In this episode of the podcast, we talk with probate attorney Cristin Silliman regarding what happens when someone dies without a will. We seem to be losing many of our favorite artists and actors in 2016, and surprisingly many of them pass away without a will. This leads to infighting between family members over an estate that could be worth millions of dollars. Cristin helps clients plan for the inevitable, to keep your family secure in knowing what happens to your stuff when you pass away.
Cristin is the owner of The Legacy Law Firm, LLC in Oldsmar, Florida. Cristin graduated from Florida Coastal School of Law in 2007. She initially worked as an Assistant State Attorney in Clearwater, FL before opening her firm. Cristin's website is and she can be reached by email at
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Thank you for your patience as we migrated the Yesner Law Podcast from one platform to the next. All but our first podcast episode migrated from one website to the other, so we are re-releasing Episode 1.
In this first episode of the podcast, we look back on the "Speedy Foreclosure Law" that was passed by the Florida Legislature, and how that has impacted foreclosure law in Florida. Have foreclosures sped up? Has the new law helped, hurt or had no impact?
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