We recently had our neighborhood garage sale, and it occurred to me that I could use that opportunity to practice my negotiation skills with very little risk.
When negotiating, you need to have two things in mind:
1. What is your price (either as a buyer or as a seller)? Know your value and be confident about it. When dealing with a creditor, know your financial information, so you can be confident in the settlement offer to the creditor.
2. There is value in taking less or compromising - a value to "not put it back in the garage." When settling debt, there is a value to getting the creditor to go away, even if the creditor is asking for more than what you want to pay. What is the opportunity cost inherent in settlement? What is the emotional value to settle?
If you have questions regarding debt settlement, please contact me at Shawn@YesnerLaw.com or www.yesnerlaw.com.
In this week's episode, we interview Tom Wolf, a business coach, author and speaker here in the Tampa Bay area.
Tom's business excels at helping business owners to leverage themselves, so they can work on their business instead of in their business. Tom has an interesting and diverse background. He has owned an IT Staffing Company, 10 Great Clips Franchises. Tom has a lot of experience in building and selling companies.
Now Tom focuses on finding your purpose and has a 7-step program to answer the question, "who am I and why am I here?" Tom also has a work-book related to his coaching program.
To contact Tom or Pam Wolf, you can get ahold of them at:
You can contact me at Shawn@Yesnerlaw.com or www.yesnerlaw.com
Another week, another listener question.
In this episode we answer a realtor question: "How does someone rent out a house in Foreclosure? Is this a scam? It is in the MLS"
Interestingly, this is not, necessarily, a legal question. It may be a moral question.
What do you think? Let me know if you think it should be proper to rent out your house while the house is in foreclosure.
In this week's episode, we answer a question from a listener in Colorado.
"I no where near the point of bankruptcy, but my husband and I have a lot of debt and are treading water trying to stay afloat most of the time. Any tips on consolidating debt or getting things paid off quickly for the self-employed."
First, the laws are different between Colorado and Florida.
Second, what type of debt are we dealing with - unsecured debt, secured debt, student loans, IRS, credit cards, hospital bills, etc.?
In this episode, we answer the listener questions with some tips on consolidating and ultimately crushing your debt.
Please share this episode on social media if you enjoy the content!
You can contact me at Shawn@YesnerLaw.com or www.yesnerlaw.com
Would you like to write a book in seven hours or less? Do you want a system to get a professionally-published book in seven hours or less?
This week's guest is Nick Raithel of The Seven Hour Book. Nick can put together content, create graphics, help with publishing, and anything else necessary to get a book completed that you write!
So how does this have to do with Crushing Debt? Writing a book will position you as a leader in your industry, thus generating direct revenue (from book sales) or indirect revenue (through search engine optimization, speaking engagements, etc.). In addition, providing material through a published book is a way to give back to the community by sharing information.
You can reach Nick by going to his website www.contentcorps.net.
If you have questions about becoming a published author in 7 hours or less, please contact Nick.
If you have questions that I can answer, please contact me at www.YesnerLaw.com. If you want more information about our upcoming book, Crushing Debt, please email me directly at Shawn@YesnerLaw.com with the subject line "Crushing Debt Book."