
Crushing Debt Podcast

The Crushing Debt Podcast is for people who want to eliminate the financial bullies in their lives. It is for listeners who want more money at the end of the month, rather than more month at the end of the money. The podcast provides answers around such topics as real estate litigation, partition, quiet title, chapter 7 liquidation, chapter 13 reorganization, and Chapter 11 business bankruptcies, short sales, loan modifications, creditor harassment and other related topics.
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Now displaying: 2019
Dec 26, 2019

This week’s guest on The Crushing Debt Podcast wants you to attain financial independence or less outside of the Wall Street Casino.  He is the host of the Income Hacker podcast, Ryan Wright.

You can go to his website - for a free copy of his book “How to Get More Money Than You Can Handle” and check out his Real Estate Guide to Finding Deals.

Ryan and I also discuss:

  • The beginning of his career 
  • How he became a real estate investor
  • How today, he owns no “plexes”
  • How he provides his tenants with a “performance bonus”
  • His mindset around money and investing.

Plus, you’ll hear Ryan say something that has never before been said on the podcast!

You can connect with Ryan on:

  • LinkedIn at Ryan G Wright
  • Twitter at @DoHardMoney
  • Instagram at @DoHardMoney 

Please also remember to visit our sponsor at for another source of funding for your real estate deals (and almost any other venture).

Please support the show by subscribing wherever you listen to podcasts (its free), and contact me with questions at or

Dec 19, 2019

On this week’s episode of The Crushing Debt Podcast, Jack Bosch, The Land Guy.

Jack came to the United States in 1997 with two suitcases. We talk about Jack’s system for land flipping, which has made him financially independent.  Jack focuses on land valued between $10,000 and $100,000, and we talk about the three (3) types of properties he invests in and who he sells to, plus his Financial Philosophy.

Jack’s mission is the get 1,000 families to the $1 million level in net wealth.

You can also hear Jack on his Forever Cash Life Real Estate Podcast:

You can also join his facebook group: Land Profit Generator Real Estate Investing Group.

You can also visit Jack’s website:

Remember to visit our sponsor at

Remember to subscribe (its free) wherever you listen to podcasts, or contact me at or

Dec 12, 2019

Michael Watkins was a guest on the Crushing Debt Podcast almost 100 episodes ago, in Episode 97, talking about tax savings through cost segregation.

In today’s episode, Michael and I discuss wealth transfer, including, his company Tampa Bay Advisory, LLC, his start in the financial services industry, advice for people nearing retirement, and Michael’s new project, Retirement Tampa Bay.

My take-away from this interview - Don’t follow the herd. Think for yourself when making financial decisions but do your homework and trust your instincts.

You can reach Michael at or www. Also check out his new project at (or anywhere you listed to your favorite podcast).

Please show some love to our sponsor -

Lastly, please contact me at or What questions can I answer for you?

Dec 5, 2019

In this week’s episode of the Crushing Debt Podcast, we interview our friends from Tax Resolution Task Force - Andrea Pope Bauman, CPA, and Jake Blanchard, Esq.

I’ve known Andrea as a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Trustee, a position she held for nearly 20 years prior to recently stepping down from that role. However, prior to being a Trustee, Andrea was an IRS Revenue Officer. She’s taken that experience and used it to start Tax Resolution Task Force.

Jake has been an attorney for more than 11 years, working at both big and small law firms, with a focus on bankruptcy and, specifically, using bankruptcy to eliminate IRS debt.

Andrea, Jake and I discuss the services offered by Tax Resolution Task Force, including:

  • Offers in Compromise (OIC)
  • IRS Payment plans
  • Un-filed tax returns
  • Payroll taxes
  • Tax liens
  • Penalty Abatement

If you want to reach out to Andrea or Jake, contact them at, or email them at or

Please also remember to visit our sponsor -

If you have questions for me, please contact me at or

We’re nearing our 200th episode.  Please subscribe to the show on whatever podcast player you use to listen shows. Subscribing is free and does not put you on any list to be spammed with emails, but you will get the newest episodes of the Crushing Debt Podcast each week when the episode is released.

Nov 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving from The Crushing Debt Podcast and Yesner Law. While it has become an annual tradition to use the show to list what we are most proud of accomplishing in the previous year, I also talk about two topics, inspired by listeners, on today’s show:

1. Why did I form an LLC if it doesn’t protect me?

2. As the seller of real estate in Florida, what do I have to disclose (the Johnson v. Davis case)?

However, I do also want you to pay attention to what we accomplished this past year - no we do not need a pat on the back, but if you want our system for goal achievement then let us know. Or listen if you just need a boost to think back on all that you accomplished this past year. Let us know what you’re most thankful for in 2019.

Please also visit our sponsor - EasyStartUpFunds.Com. Again, this is not an affiliate link.  This is a lending website.  All I get from you visiting the sponsor is continued goodwill and the possibility of future referrals from our sponsor.  I get no money from you clicking links with them.

If you have questions for me - or

Nov 21, 2019

On this week’s episode of The Crushing Debt Podcast, we interview our long-time friend and referral partner, Barb Kyes, managing partner of ActionCOACH Tampa Bay.

Long-time listeners may remember that we had Barb’s daughter, Juliet Kyes on the show way back in Episode 63 and we’re thrilled to have Barb on this week’s show.

Contact Barb at or and mention that you heard this episode, or mention my name, to receive a complimentary coaching session by one of the best business coaches anywhere!

ActionCoach Tampa Bay started in 2007 as an international franchise and is now ranked in the top 20 ActionCoach firms internationally. In fact, all of their coaches are currently ranked internationally, many of them at or near the top of the franchise.

Barb and I talk about their book, OMG! WTF! (What’s the Focus) which is available on Amazon, or locally if you find Barb, Juliet or Ford Kyes. Some of the chapters we discuss:

  • Chapter 10 - Accountability
  • Chapter 7 - Systems (using systems to create leverage and how to create systems)
  • Chapter 9 - Planning

We also talk about the 5 Ways tool, one of my favorite tools that I use regularly in my law firm.

If you have questions for me, please contact me at or If you found value in this episode, I would love if you subscribe to the show (its free to do so) and share the episode on Social Media.

Please also visit our sponsor (not an affiliate link, a referral partner of ours) -

Nov 14, 2019

In this week’s episode of The Crushing Debt Podcast, I interview Robert Farrington, The College Investor.

Robert started his website and blog - - in 2009 after hearing some pretty scary financial advice that he was not okay with. His website is filled with personal financial topics for millennials (and others), with a focus on escaping student loan debt.

Robert also has eliminated, for himself, more than $43,000 of student loan debt. Beware of servicer mistakes that can keep you in debt, and use The College Investor to learn how to spot those mistakes.  We also discuss practical tips to get out of student loan debt like: creating a side-hustle for extra income and collecting the right information to know and understand your options.

You can reach Robert at his website -, or Robert is also host of The College Investor Audio Show.

Please also remember to visit our sponsor -

If you have questions for me, you can reach me at Shawn@YesnerLaw or, and please continue to support the show by sharing it with friends, and subscribing on your podcast listening app (whichever one you use).

Nov 7, 2019

On this week’s episode of The Crushing Debt Podcast, we interview Mark Willis of Lake Growth Financial Services.  Mark is a Certified Financial Planner, and Host of The Not Your Average Financial Podcast.

On today’s show, we talk about:

  • How can an entrepreneur “fire” their banker.
  • How can people meet their financial milestones without unnecessary risk?
  • How to protect your assets in the event of a lawsuit?
  • How people can create wealth in predictable ways.

To contact Mark, email, or visit  You can also find Mark on Facebook at LakeGrowth, on Twitter @LakeGrowth, or on LinkedIn at Mark Lake Growth.

To contact me, visit or email  If you enjoy the content please share on social media, and subscribe on whatever podcast player you use - that will continue to help me grow the podcast.

Please also remember to visit our sponsor if you need to borrow $25,000 to $100,000 and have a 680 credit score -  Please note this is NOT an affiliate link and I get nothing (other than the potential for additional sponsor funds) by you working with our sponsor. In addition, if you have feedback on our sponsor, positive or negative, please let me know.

Oct 31, 2019

Happy Halloween!

This episode of the Crushing Debt Podcast is all about Bare Bones, or Skeleton Bankruptcy Petitions (I guess that's two spooky topics).

A normal bankruptcy petition is in the range of 50 pages, although the first 6 - 7 pages are all that's needed to file and start the case. That's what we mean by "bare bones," only the first 6 - 7 pages, followed up at a later date by the remaining supporting documents and schedules.

As a practice, Yesner Law tries to stay away from bare bones petitions because: (1) they take more time because we're filing documents multiple times instead of filing everything at the outset, (2) they're more expensive, because an additional fee is owed to the bankruptcy court to follow up and "add" creditors to the case, and (3) they are typically a sign that the client is unprepared.

A full bankruptcy petition typically consists of: (1) the Petition, (2) Schedules A - J & a Declaration as to those schedules, (3) Statement of Financial Affairs, (4) Statement of Social Security Number, (5) List of Creditors, (6) Means Test, (7) Statement of Intentions (for a Chapter 7 liquidation) or Plan (for a Chapter 13 reorganization).

Bare bones bankruptcy petitions can be more complicated when filed pro se (meaning by the debtor, unrepresented by an attorney).

If you or someone you know needs to file bankruptcy please refer them to our office, or to a local bankruptcy attorney. or

Please also visit our sponsor, If you need between $25,000 and $100,000 and have a 680 credit score, you can complete an application to borrow for any reason.

Oct 24, 2019

On this week’s episode of the Crushing Debt Podcast, we highlight our sponsor, Tampa Business Funds, LLC and Steve Hechtman, through their website and

You may recall Steve, and his eclectic ukulele from Episode 164 - Alternative Business Lending.

Do you need startup funds for a new business, CBD grow facility, equipment leasing, construction equipment financing, debt restructuring, cash advance, accounts receivable financing, commercial bridge loans, business acquisition, real estate, fix & flips, or for any reason at all?  Contact our sponsor to complete an online application to get $25,000 to $100,000.  The only other thing you need is a 680 credit score.

In addition to the websites above, you can contact Steve at, or you can contact me at or

Oct 17, 2019

What did you always want to know about bankruptcy but were too afraid to ask?

We’ve got some great listeners of The Crushing Debt Podcast who send in questions from time to time, and if they have these questions, likely you do too.

On today’s episode, we answer about:

- Reaffirmation Agreements

- Lien stripping in Chapter 13

- Filing bankruptcy for personally guaranteed debt of an LLC

Please continue to submit these great questions. You can connect with me on social media, or directly, or If you enjoy the show, please share it with others.

Finally, please visit our sponsor If you need $25,000 to $100,000 and have a 680 credit score, apply online.

Oct 10, 2019

On this week's episode of the podcast, I interview Certified Financial Planner David Wilson Flores.

David and I talk about:

- How to lower the cost of college and maximize financial aid to minimize debt.

- Creating a year end financial planning checklist to save money and minimize savings.

You can read David's successful blog and get more information at or email him directly at You can also follow him on Twitter @NYWealthAdvisor or on Instagram @planningtowealth.

We also want to thank and ask you to visit our sponsor if you need $25,000 to $100,000 for any reason (like starting up a business) and have at least a 680 credit score. 

You can contact me with comments or questions at or

Oct 4, 2019

This week, we have our friend Chris Calandra with Elliot Wealth Management Services, LLC, as a guest talking about the seven wealth building rules:

1. Importance of Goal Setting

2. Preparation is Key

3. Developing a Wealth Building Plan

4. You Need a Team

5. Tracking Progress

6. The Power of Diversification

7. Be Careful with Debt

You can find Chris at or

Many thanks to our NEW sponsor, If you have a credit score of 680, and you need $25,000 to $100,000 for any reason, fill out the laser lightning half page online app and get a response within 24 hours.

To contact me directly, email or If you enjoy the content, please share it and invite your friends to subscribe to the show on whatever podcast player they use to listen to podcasts!

Sep 26, 2019

This week’s episode of The Crushing Debt Podcast is the result of a client question - what happens to judgment liens that attach to inherited property?

First we have to talk about when liens attach to property and the different kind of liens, then we have to discuss what happens when the person passes who owes the debt.  This week’s episode touches on both lien and probate issues.

If you have a judgment lien against your property, or if you inherit property that may have judgment liens from the grantor who died, please contact us to help remove the lien. or

Sep 19, 2019

Did you know that the Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Florida will be the first bankruptcy court in the Country to roll out a program designed to help borrowers repay student loans in a bankruptcy?

As of October 1, 2019, the US Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Florida will begin to offer a modification program within the bankruptcy to help borrowers negotiate and reduce the amount of their student loan payments.

Student loans are still non-dischargeable under the bankruptcy code but, like the mortgage modification mediation program, the bankruptcy court hopes that the Student Loan Management Program - SLM or SLM Program - will help student loan borrowers who might otherwise be forced into bankruptcy because they are unable to repay their student loans.

This week’s episode of The Crushing Debt Podcast explains the bankruptcy court’s order and explains how the program is going to work.

Are you struggling with your student loan payments?  Do you know someone who is struggling to make their student loan payments?  Please refer them to us. We now have another tool to help them manage their student loans! or

Sep 12, 2019

In last week’s episode of The Crushing Debt Podcast, we interviewed Cole Boling of The Boling Group Coaching & Consulting Services. Those who recall, Cole also has a background as a Realtor and it was his wife, Jamie, that was the listener who reached out to me.

This week’s episode of the show is my interview with both Jamie and Cole around their real estate business.  Jamie is a Realtor with Keller Williams, first in Topeka, Kansas, and now with The Boling Group here in Tampa, Florida.

Jamie, Cole and I talk about:

  • Why they moved from Topeka to Tampa
  • Some of the differences between the two markets
  • Whether there is a real estate “bubble” forming
  • Flipping houses in Tampa (and Topeka)
  • Buying Investment properties
  • Opportunities to join The Boling Group Team

You can contact Jamie at or visit her website at

If you’re a listener and want to connect with me directly, either to talk, ask questions, or be interviewed on the podcast, you can reach me at or


Sep 5, 2019

It’s great meeting fans of the Crushing Debt Podcast, which is how I met my guests this week, and next week.

Cole Boling, owner of The Boling Group Coaching and Consulting Services, has over 2500 hours of coaching businesses large and small on setting and achieving goals. While Cole started as a Real Estate Agent, his coaching programs fit any type of business owner, including Realtors and other professionals.

You’ll hear about Cole’s three pillars - having a written business plan, a lead generation plan, and a financial plan. We also talk about:

  • How the company started
  • How Cole and his wife and kids ended up in Tampa (moving from Topeka, Kansas, and
  • Cole’s focus as a business coach

You can reach Cole on Facebook (search for Boling Group - Coaching and Consultant Services), on the web at, or by email at

If you have questions for me - or if you’re a fan who wants to reach out to have coffee and a good conversation - you can reach me at or

Aug 29, 2019

In this week’s episode of The Crushing Debt Podcast, I’m joined again by our associate attorney Lauryn as we discuss a few different topics, including a few listener questions.

  • What is a TRIM Notice?
  • Lauryn’s first hearing (solo) as an associate attorney
  • How we helped two different clients eliminate garnishments
  • How we scared off a creditor with one letter
  • Listener Question - how a lien can be removed from property.
  • Listener Question - how to evict mom (written lease expired, tenant refuses to leave, and has done damage to the property).

What questions do you have that we can answer around debt, foreclosure, landlord / tenant questions, property taxes, IRS debt, bankruptcy, or garnishment? Please contact us at, me at or Lauryn at


Aug 22, 2019

This week’s Crushing Debt Podcast Episode is inspired by a few financial advisors we know, including past guests like Forrest Baumhover, and our sponsor, Chris Calandra with Elliot Wealth Management Services.

When someone files bankruptcy, their concern is “what can I keep?” That question is answered by reviewing the debtor’s exemptions - those things protected under State or Federal Law.  One of the items protected is IRAs, Individual Retirement Accounts.

However, the United States Supreme Court came out with a ruling that not all IRA’s are protected.  IRA’s that are inherited, while exempt from withdrawal penalties, are not protected under the bankruptcy code.  Meaning, if you inherit an IRA and have to file bankruptcy, that IRA will have to be paid to the bankruptcy trustee to repay creditors (unless some other exemptions apply).

In this week’s episode, we discuss the logic behind the Supreme Court’s decision.

Do you agree?  Do you think inherited IRA’s should be exempt, or subject to repay creditors?  Let me know at or

Aug 15, 2019

In this week’s episode of The Crushing Debt Podcast, I again visit the Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation - FHLMC) Exclusionary List. For those who don’t know what it is: if a real estate professional (Realtor, Mortgage Originator, Title Company, Inspector, Appraiser, Attorney, etc.) finds themselves on the List, they cannot participate in a real estate transaction involving Freddie Mac.

One frustration with helping people come off the List is that Freddie Mac does not provide any input on what it takes to come off the List, except a paragraph or two on a policy worksheet that they send with the original letter putting someone on the List, and any denials of requests to come off the List.

Since Freddie relies on their policies, I thought I’d take a more thorough look at them in this week’s episode.

If you want more content about the Freddie Mac Exclusionary List, please listen to:

- Episode 134 - an explanation of the List I provided at a seminar called Become A Better Agent (or BABA).

- Episode 132 - Coming off the Freddie Mac Exclusionary List

- Episode 83 - An update of various approved and denied requests to come off the List

- Episode 32 - an introduction to the List.

If you are on the List, or know someone on the List, we have helped people come off the List.  Please share any of these episodes, and have the person on the List contact us for a free consultation. or

Aug 8, 2019

We have a special guest host on today’s episode of the Crushing Debt Podcast, but don’t let the cuteness distract you from the content of the episode.

Today’s episode is a discussion of Florida Statute 501.1377 - Violations involving homeowners during the course of residential foreclosure proceedings.

The statute defines:

  • Equity Purchaser
  • Foreclosure-Rescue Consultant
  • Foreclosure-Related Rescue Services
  • Foreclosure-Rescue Transactions

The statute then defines the requirements of helping someone in foreclosure, or who could be in foreclosure, and the penalties for violation of the statute.

Although there are some exclusions from the law, if you work with people in foreclosure, you need to be aware of the requirements of the statute. If you have questions, please contact me at or 

Aug 1, 2019

Last month was a bit rough. But I’ve always been a believer in mindset and the power of mindset to lift someone out of a bad mood. I appreciate all of you as listeners of the show and thought I would share some of my favorite positive quotes, as a way to lift myself out of this funk, and as a way to help you when you hit a rough patch. Some of these are mine, or I’ve heard from family. Others I’ve read in books or heard at different events. I try to give credit to the author as and when I can.

The process of recording and sharing these quotes with you has helped me to feel better and, for that, I thank you.

What are some of your favorite positive quotes? What are some of your favorite things to do when you’re feeling down?  Please let me know by emailing me at or at

Jul 25, 2019

Crushing Debt Podcast audience, meet Lauryn Fabrizio, our new associate attorney at Yesner Law.

Lauryn will be joining me from time to time to “co-host” the show, answer your questions, and provide additional knowledge and an additional perspective.

On this week’s show, we answer a few listener questions regarding various issues, including landlord/tenant law.

To contact me with questions, please email me at To contact Lauryn, email her at

Jul 18, 2019

One of my goals is to read - I’ve set a goal of 30 books in 2019 and I will smash that goal (I’m on book number 24 as this episode is released, although I was working on book 23 as I recorded the episode).  When I mention “reading” books, I mean legitimately reading physical books or books on my kindle. I am not including audio books, because I listen to podcasts while I drive around.

In this episode of the Crushing Debt Podcast, I review the following five last books I’ve read:

The Purple Cow by Seth Godin. The basic premise of this book is how you can make your business stand out in a crowd.

The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy. This book teaches you that small incremental improvements every day add up to tremendous changes over time.

Whale Done by Kenneth H. Blanchard, Thad Lacinak, Chuck Tompkins, and Jim Ballard. My biggest takeaway from this book is the power of positivity in creating relationships with my staff, my friends, my family and everyone else with whom I interact in all phases of my life.

Raving Fans also by Kenneth H. Blanchard, and Sheldon Bowles. I love Mr. Blanchard’s books because they use stories to make their point, and in this book the lesson is how to create raving fans for your business.

Putting Stories to Work by Shawn Callahan. I have always felt that finding and telling stories in my presentations was a weakness. This book cures that weakness by showing you how to find, incorporate, refresh or retire stories in your presentations.

What are some of your favorite books?

Where do you find your books?

Do you prefer printed books, e-books, or audible books?

Please let me know in the comments, on social media, by email at or through the website at You can also order my book - Crushing Debt: 9 Strategies to Eliminate Financial Bullies, and listen all the way to the episode for an offer from me!

Jul 11, 2019

On this week's episode of the Crushing Debt Podcast, I answer more listener questions related to foreclosure law and title law, and I continue to describe my love-hate relationship with foreclosure mediation.

If you have questions that you want me to answer on future episodes, please interact with me on social media, send me an email at or contact me through the website

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