
Crushing Debt Podcast

The Crushing Debt Podcast is for people who want to eliminate the financial bullies in their lives. It is for listeners who want more money at the end of the month, rather than more month at the end of the money. The podcast provides answers around such topics as real estate litigation, partition, quiet title, chapter 7 liquidation, chapter 13 reorganization, and Chapter 11 business bankruptcies, short sales, loan modifications, creditor harassment and other related topics.
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Now displaying: 2021
Dec 30, 2021

What is your system for setting and tracking your goals?

What did you accomplish in 2021? What are you proud of? What could you have done better?

What will 2022 bring? Will there be a spike in foreclosures? A spike in bankruptcies? A real estate bubble? Inflation?

In this week's episode of The Crushing Debt podcast, I talk about my successes in 2021 and how those can help you, plus my predictions for what 2022 will bring.

Hopefully, 2022 means increased support of our sponsor, Sam Cohen of Attorneys First Insurance. If you know an attorney or title company that needs to shop its malpractice coverage, please let Sam know - or

Do you want to know more about how I set and track my annual goals? Do you agree with my 2022 predictions? Let me know at or

Dec 23, 2021

Did you know that a HELOC is a second mortgage - it's a home equity line of credit?

Did you know that sometimes a second mortgage can be eliminated in a bankruptcy, but sometimes not?

What happens when, years later, the second mortgage tries to collect after being included in a bankruptcy?

We cover all of these topics and more in this week's episode of The Crushing Debt Podcast.

What is a reaffirmation agreement (listen to Episode 188 for more information) and how does it factor into the analysis here?

Unfortunately, I've seen an increase in cases where someone filed bankruptcy and didn't know they had a second mortgage, didn't realize they had a second mortgage, or didn't properly address their second mortgage within the bankruptcy case. What can I do about it years after the fact? Likely not much, but, as always, I have a few options.

If you have questions about your second mortgage and bankruptcy, please contact us or a local attorney. You can reach me at or

Please also support our friend and sponsor Sam Cohen by introducing him to an attorney or title company you know that wants to competitively shop their malpractice insurance renewal. Sam can work with an attorney or title company anywhere in the country, but prefers working with attorneys and title companies in Florida or Texas. You can reach him at or

Dec 16, 2021

What could you do with an extra $300 or more in your budget each month? Could you pay off debt faster? Save more money for retirement? Invest? Take a vacation?

In honor of our three hundredth episode of The Crushing Debt Podcast, I brainstormed nearly twenty ways to give you back $300 into your monthly budget - whether by cutting expenses or increasing revenue.

Some of these techniques are discussed in my second book, Become Debt Free in Less Than One Hour, and some of them are new!

Are there any that I forgot?

As I consider hitting the three hundred episode mark, I'd like to thank: all of you listeners for supporting the show, our current sponsor and all of our previous sponsors, all of our guests, and any one else who directly or indirectly has given me advice, feedback or simply a shoulder to lean on from time to time.

Speaking of - please support our sponsor, Sam Cohen of Attorneys First Insurance by referring a title company or attorney to him for a malpractice coverage quote. Sam can be reached at or

If you have any comments or feedback for me, please contact me at or


Dec 9, 2021

What four (or five) creditors can foreclose and take away your primary residence?

What legal authority in Florida allows a creditor to take your home?

How does the Florida Homestead Laws play into this analysis?

What can I do if my credit card company records a judgment against my homestead property?

In this week's episode, I describe the four (maybe five) creditors that can take your primary residence through foreclosure: (1) Property Tax Collector, (2) Mortgage Company, (3) Contractor who does work on the home, (4) the IRS, and (5) your homeowner or condo association.

The authority for them to do this, or more accurately, the inability of other creditors from doing this - like credit cards, hospital bills, student loans, etc., is found in the Florida Constitution, Article X, Section 4, and Florida Statutes Chapter 222.

I've been able to use a "Notice of Homestead" to eliminate unsecured liens against homes, but it is not a quick process. Therefore, you want to ensure that you file and record the Notice of Homestead far enough in advance of closing for it to eliminate the lien.

Some of the links mentioned in today's episode:

The Notice of Homestead procedure is found in Section 222.01 and is fairly straight forward, but if you need help, please contact our office.

Please also visit our sponsor Sam Cohen for an "apples to apples" comparison of malpractice insurance if you are or if you know an attorney or title company in Florida or Texas. or

If you have any further questions for me, please reach out at or

Dec 2, 2021

What is the difference between a Warranty Deed, Special Warranty Deed and Quit Claim Deed?

What is a Quick Claim Deed (hint: doesn't exist)?

Why is it important to recite marital status on a deed and mortgage?

Can someone qualify for financing immediately after being foreclosed (hint: yes!)

On this week's episode of The Crushing Debt Podcast, I follow up from episode 296 to talk about the different types of deeds in Florida, and then answer a few listener questions.

You would do me a huge favor and show your support for the show by introducing a title company or attorney in Florida or Texas who is due to renew their malpractice insurance to our sponsor, Sam Cohen at Attorneys First Insurance. or 

If you want me to answer your question on a future episode, you can contact me at or

Nov 25, 2021

What do you have to be thankful for this Thanksgiving 2021?

The Yesner family has had its share of doctors and hospitals this year and thankfully, everyone is okay!

The goal of my podcast is to help people with the general message that "everything is going to be okay." Today I want to try to help with a message that is more health-related.  We're all human and we all have health issues from time to time.

Today's episode of The Crushing Debt Podcast is a slight deviation from my normal topics - it is not necessarily a legal episode.  Instead, I decided to chronicle my recent diagnosis and treatment of my Type 2 Diabetes.

A few of the links mentioned in today's episode:

Episode 17 - Running & Networking.:

The Diabetes Code: The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally (The Wellness Code Book Two) (The Code Series, 2): Fung, Dr. Jason, Teicholz, Nina: 9781771642651: Books

I hope you take away two things from today's episode: (1) everything (including me) is going to be okay, and (2) we can all help and support each other.

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm also thankful for our sponsor, Sam Cohen of Attorneys First Insurance and would be appreciative if you could introduce him to an attorney or title company you know in Florida or Texas that needs malpractice insurance. or

You can email me directly at or


Nov 18, 2021

One question we received this week from a client: "I'm buying a house from my parents, should I get title insurance?"

The Florida Department of Financial Services licenses and oversees Title Insurance in the State of Florida.  They put out a great guide to title insurance that we review in today's episode of The Crushing Debt Podcast.

The link to download the guide is:

The guide is a short read, about eight pages long and covers the basics: the closing, the closing agent, title insurance, how to select a title agent, tips, common terms and definitions and frequently asked questions.

One other link mentioned in the guide and in the episode is a link to verify the licensure of a particular title company or title agent, which you can find at:

Our sponsor, Sam Cohen of Attorneys First Insurance provides malpractice coverage to title companies (and attorneys) all over the Country. He would love an introduction to the title company you used for your last closing.  You can make that introduction at or

For more information, previous podcast episodes, blogs, and other useful tips, please visit the Yesner Law website at

Nov 11, 2021

We've talked before on the Crushing Debt podcast about student loans and how to eliminate the high cost of paying for an education. One of the best ways is if the student loan qualifies for discharge under the PSLF program (Public Service Loan Forgiveness).

This week's guest on the show is Jason DiLorenzo, founder and CEO of The website helps provide information to student loan borrowers and employers, and helps match employees to employers to help facilitate forgiveness of the student loan under the PSLF program.

Listen to the end of the episode to hear a special offer from Jason and! also has a salary calculator, PSLF diagnostic, and other information designed to assist both employees and employers under the PSLF program. If you have direct questions, you can email

Jason and I have a great discussion about:

  • What loans qualify for PSLF;
  • The Department of Education making older FFEL loans qualify under the PSLF Program;
  • The number of student loan borrowers who might be impacted under the PSLF program;
  • The impact of FedLoan being replaced as a student loan servicer by MOHELA;
  • The impact of Navient being replaced as a student loan servicer by Maximus; and
  • Whether this is enough to help people burdened by student loans.

You can also find more information about student loans at

We do want to thank our continuing sponsor, Sam Cohen of Attorneys First Insurance and ask that you refer him an attorney or title company that needs a quote on malpractice coverage at or

To learn other tips about eliminating student loan debt, or other debt in general, download my book - Become Debt Free in Less Than One Hour - at

Nov 4, 2021

We are happy to welcome back our friend, former sponsor, and repeat guest Chris Calandra with Elliott Wealth Management Services to talk today about the four drivers of the 2021 real estate market.

You can hear Chris on Episodes 157 (wealth management), 162 (life insurance), 186 (seven wealth building rules) and 210 (pandemic's impact on the economy) and he brings a TON of knowledge and content each time he's on the show.

In today's Crushing Debt Podcast episode, we talk about the four things that primarily impacted the 2021 real estate market, which is still a bit crazy and unique even today, towards the end of the year:

  1. Excess Money Supply in the Economy
  2. Low Interest Rates
  3. Stay at Home Economy
  4. Limited Housing Supply

We also discuss whether there's another real estate bubble forming, and the disappearance of short sales.

If you know an  attorney or title company in Florida, Texas, or anywhere in the Country, you would be doing me and show a huge favor by introducing that attorney or title company to our show's sponsor, Sam Cohen at Attorneys First Insurance - or

To eliminate debt and create the money to invest in real estate, check out my book Become Debt Free in Less Than One Hour at

Oct 28, 2021

What is your vision in terms of money? What are your values surrounding money and debt?

In this week's episode of the Crushing Debt Podcast, we interview our friend and returning guest, Marleta Black about her new book, Say ... Something: The Adventure of Finding the Right Words to Express Your Desires, Reduce Drama and Create Connection.

I read the book and thought it was great - it is broken into bite-size chunks that each have actionable items for you to review, ponder and implement in your relationships, such as:

  • Eliminate counterproductive activities;
  • Be transparent;
  • Be accountable;
  • Understand your "triggers" and where they come from.

Say ... Something takes you on a journey, both mentally and metaphorically, and helps you better understand and improve your relationships - with your spouse, your kids, your co-workers, your friends, your peers, and even your money!

You can buy a copy of Marleta's book on Amazon at:

You can also hear Marleta in Episode 117 of the Crushing Debt Podcast.

Also, please remember to support our sponsor, Sam Cohen of Attorneys First Insurance by referring him attorneys and title companies that need to purchase or renew their malpractice insurance. You can reach him at or

Once your finished with Say ... Something, you can get your free copy of Become Debt Free in Less Than One Hour at

Oct 21, 2021

If you are ever the target of a frivolous lawsuit, is your stuff protected? What if the lawsuit is legitimate, is your stuff protected?

What happens to your stuff when you die?

This week's guest on the Crushing Debt podcast is attorney Michelangelo Mortellaro, who has been practicing since 2007 in the areas of estate planning and elder law.

In 2020, Michelangelo started Fortress Asset Protection with another attorney to help shield your business from lawsuits and creditors.

In today's episode, we discuss the basics of probate and estate planning law, and why its important to have an estate plan, especially if you own your own business. Then we turn to asset protection and the various tools Michelangelo can use, whether you're an individual, business owner, or investor, to protect what you have from frivolous lawsuits.

You can reach Michelangelo by visiting his lawfirm website -, or Fortress's website -

Please support our sponsor, Sam Cohen at Attorneys First Insurance. Sam would appreciate introductions to attorneys and title companies all over the country, specifically in Florida and Texas. You can reach him at or

If you want to reduce your debt to avoid credit card lawsuits, please download my second book - Become Debt Free in Less Than One Hour at

Oct 14, 2021

How much due diligence goes into filing bankruptcy? What are the document requirements?

While these are not questions I get from clients too often, they are two of the most important questions when considering a bankruptcy filing.  Why? Because failing to do any due diligence prior to filing could get both the client and the law firm (and me) in trouble with the bankruptcy court.  And when you get into trouble with the bankruptcy court, it is the FBI that comes knocking on the door!

So what are the due diligence requirements?  We provide all of our clients with document checklists, information, and support. In today's episode, I discuss most of the different common types of documents and information we need.  Of course, every bankruptcy is factually different, so the list provided in today's episode is just the starting point.

If you have questions about bankruptcy, please let us know or post a comment wherever you listen to this podcast!

We're also excited about Podfest Origins at the beginning of November, LIVE in Tampa, Florida.  You can get more information at

In the event an attorney does not do his or her due diligence, we have our sponsor, Sam Cohen of Attorneys First Insurance who handles malpractice coverage for attorneys and title companies throughout the United States but, right now, has a particular focus on Florida and Texas.  If you know an attorney or title company in need of professional liability coverage, please refer them to or

More questions about bankruptcy or just want to know how to have more money at the end of the month rather than month at the end of the money?  Check out my book, Become Debt Free in Less Than One Hour at


Oct 7, 2021

Do you buy properties at the foreclosure sale?

Do you buy at the foreclosure sale of the condominium or homeowner association?

If so, you may end up with a property that has no equity AND still be responsible to pay the association every month.

This week's episode is also based on Episode 26 where I discuss lien priority, and is also based on an actual client who bought three association properties at foreclosure sale, for somewhere in the range of $40,000 each, and AFTER the sale learned that each one had a first mortgage in place that eliminated any equity or profit she thought she made when purchasing the properties.

Learn how we were able to help her recoup some of her money, but more importantly learn how we can help other investors avoid this mistake!

Please also refer our sponsor, Sam Cohen, to an attorney or title company you know in Florida or Texas who needs to renew their professional liability insurance. or

Also check out for the return of Podfest  Origins LIVE on November 4 & 5, 2021 (I'll be participating and speaking if you want to meet up with me).

Finally, my books contain other tips and tricks to help you have more money at the end of the month, rather than more month at the end of the money.

Sep 30, 2021

Bankruptcy can be a great tool to help give someone a fresh start and relief from overwhelming debt. However, it is very often misunderstood - I have numerous shows dealing with the topic, including debunking myths surrounding bankruptcy.

Today's show is an interview I did with Credit Kristi, who you can hear on my previous episode 247. Kristi started her own podcast called Credit Coaching by Kristi, and you can find it wherever you are listening to this show.  Kristi interviews me for her show about the basics of bankruptcy and was so generous to allow me to use the audio for this episode of The Crushing Debt Podcast.

If you have questions about credit, definitely check out Kristi's show - Credit Coaching by Kristi.

Please also support our sponsor, Sam Cohen and Attorneys First Insurance, by introducing Sam to an attorney or title company in Florida or Texas that needs a quote for their malpractice or professional liability insurance. or

Finally, we're still trying to get our second book in as many hands as we can, and the book is FREE at

Sep 23, 2021

You added someone to the deed of your house - maybe years ago, maybe months ago - and now you want them off of the deed.  How do you do that?

That is the topic of today's Crushing Debt Podcast episode, and the answer is both simple and complex.

I also take some time to update you on what Yesner Law is up to in the coming months, specifically:

  • The Great Westchase - a great 10k, 5k, 1-mile race through my home neighborhood of Westchase on October 23, 2021, starting at 7 AM.  You can find more information at: or
  • Westchase Krewe of Freebooters Golf Tournament - a golf tournament by the Westchase Gasparilla Krewe benefitting the Westchase Charitable Foundation, also on October 23, 2021, starting at 11:30 AM.  You can find more information at:
  • Podfest Origins Tampa - a great seminar if you are a podcaster, YouTuber, or produce any type of content on or for social media. You'll learn things like: How to get guests, how to be a guest, how to monetize your show, how to produce your show, and other helpful topics for content creators and fans of episodic content!  There are three ways to participate: (1) virtual session 1 on 10/28 & 10/29/2021, (2) virtual session 2 from 11/1 to 11/3/2021, or (3) LIVE on 11/4 and 11/5/2021 in Tampa, Florida.  You can find more information at

Please remember to support our sponsor, Sam Cohen, at Attorneys First Insurance by introducing him to an attorney or title company you know anywhere in the Country, but particularly in Florida or Texas.  You can contact Sam at or

Did you know that you can also create money in your budget by eliminating unnecessary expenses? Find more tips like this in my second book, Become Debt Free in Less Than One Hour at

Sep 16, 2021

Do you have a student loan owned by the Department of Education (rather than a private student loan) AND a finding of disability by the Social Security Administration?  There's been a change in the law to link those two things to provide a disability discharge of your student loan!

On this week's episode of The Crushing Debt Podcast, we are happy to have returning guest Christie Arkovich to talk about discharging student loans for people with disabilities. Under the new law, a finding of total permanent disability (TPD) by the Social Security Administration or the Department of Education can lead to a discharge of your student loan debt.

Christie has been helping people eliminate or negotiate student loans for years and has become one of the top attorneys in this area.  You can hear Christie on previous Crushing Debt episodes:

  • 50 - Student Loan Debt
  • 93 - Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF)
  • 99 - Parents Plus Loans
  • 106 - Stopping the Robocalls
  • 234 - Discharging Student Loans in Bankruptcy

You can find out more by contacting Christie at her email address -, or finding her YouTube Channel by searching "Christie Arkovich."

Some other topics we discuss:

  • Tax impact of settling private student loans between now and 2025;
  • Suspension of the 3-year monitoring requirement with a TPD application
  • Extensions to Student Loan repayment under COVID

Please remember to visit or refer an attorney or title company to our sponsor, Sam Cohen at Attorneys First Insurance at Sam@AttorneysFirst or

Please remember to check out my second book, Become Debt Free in Less Than One Hour at

Sep 9, 2021

How do your emotions impact your financial decision-making?

How can you create a healthy relationship with money?

These are topics we've covered before on the show, but never from the unique perspective of this week's guest, Bob Wheeler.

Bob is a CPA and has cross-pollinated his accounting practice with his desire to help people understand how their emotions impact their financial decision making.  Bob is also a world-traveler, comedian, and CFO for The World Famous Comedy Store.

Bob and I talk about:

  • How emotions impact financial decision-making.
  • A healthy relationship with money.
  • What happened to him in Africa that changed his beliefs around money.
  • What happened to him in Nepal while trekking to Base Camp Everest and how that relates to "baby steps."
  • How he became the CFO for The World Famous Comedy Store.

You can find out more about Bob in his book, The Money Nerve: Navigating The Emotions of Money, his online course Mastering the Emotions of Money, his podcast, Money You Should Ask, and his website, 

Please also refer a Florida or Texas attorney or title company you know to our sponsor, Sam Cohen at or

To learn even more about money and your relationship with money, download my book for free - Become Debt Free in Less Than One Hour at

Sep 2, 2021

How would you react if you were car-jacked and kidnapped for three hours?

What lessons can you take from such an extremely stressful situation? And how can you apply those lessons to other stressful situations, especially financial stress?

How do you react when someone is suing you for money? When you are fearful of eviction, foreclosure or bankruptcy?

Today's guest on the Crushing Debt Podcast is Lee Roebeck from Johannesburg, South Africa. Lee is a mindset coach who focuses on human potential and success.

You'll hear Lee tell his story and how he used his training and knowledge to help himself, and how he helps his clients, to deal with amazing stress events in their lives.

Lee and I talk about:

  • The Law of Polarity
  • We Become What we Think About
  • As a Man Thinketh
  • Michael Bernard Beckwith's three steps
  • Painting a Positive Picture on the Screen of Your Mind

Certainly a carjacking or kidnapping is more life threatening than a foreclosure or eviction, but both are high-stress events that will impact you and your family.  Lee provides some great information on dealing with high-stress situations, in the moment, to help you overcome any obstacle that you might face.

You can get an audio recording of the Serenity Chapter of As a Man Thinketh by going to

Please also visit our sponsor, Sam Cohen, to eliminate any stress you might have as an attorney or title company by purchasing malpractice coverage.  Sam can be reached at or

FInally, to help eliminate the stress of money, download my book for free at, to learn ways to have more money at the end of the month, rather than more month at the end of the money.

Aug 26, 2021

Are you sufficiently saving for retirement? Do you have a 401k through your work, or are you an employer that offers a 401k to your employees?

How do you, as an investor minimize the loss in value in your 401k when the market drops or corrects?

How do you, as an employer minimize your liability to provide investment advice to your employees through the 401k plan?

This week's guest on the Crushing Debt Podcast is Michael Watkins. Mike is a repeat guest and friend of the show, having appeared on episode 196.

Mike has just finished and released his new book The 401k Revival where he answers the question - how can you side step the next market crash.

You can get a copy of the book at

You can also get copies of my two books at to discover ways to create more money in your budget so that you can invest for retirement!

Finally, please refer our sponsor, Sam Cohen of Attorneys First Insurance to a Florida or Texas attorney or title agent you know who is nearing renewal of their professional liability (malpractice) insurance. 

Aug 19, 2021

You can't earn any money after filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

The Chapter 7 Trustee will come into your house and take all your stuff.

Chapter 7 is now harder to file.

These are all myths about filing a Chapter 7 (Liquidation) bankruptcy case.  Last week, I talked about thirteen myths about Chapter 13, and this week, I'm following it up with seven myths about Chapter 7. What are the other myths?  You'll have to listen to the episode to find out.

Please continue to support our sponsor, Sam Cohen of Attorneys First Insurance, by introducing him to attorneys and title companies in Florida and Texas that want a competitive quote on renewing their professional liability (also called malpractice) insurance. Sam can be reached at or

For more information about Chapter 7 and 13, please order a free copy of my second book, Become Debt Free in Less Than One Hour, at

Aug 12, 2021

A Chapter 13 requires you to pay ALL of extra money to the Trustee every month!

You are prohibited from moving, buying a new car or taking a vacation during a pending Chapter 13!

Your creditors have to approve the Chapter 13!

The Trustee will take all your stuff when you file Chapter 13!

Yes, these are all myths and untrue when you file Chapter 13. This week's episode came about from a consultation with a prospective client who was so scared of filing Chapter 13 because of all of the misinformation on the internet. Once I dispelled those myths, we were able to craft a plan that allowed her to repay a portion of her debt, get a fresh start, keep some of her luxury items (like jet skis) and save a little bit of money each month!

What other rumors or myths are there around Chapter 13?  This week, we discuss 13 of them (including some of the ones mentioned above).

Please remember to refer an attorney or title company to our sponsor, Sam Cohen at Attorneys First Insurance. or

If you want to learn more about Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you can read my book - Become Debt Free in Less Than One Hour at 

Jul 29, 2021

CBS News Headline: "With Evictions Set to Restart, Housing Advocates Fear Another Coronovirus Wave."

Los Angeles Daily News: "Why Unprecedented Spike in Evictions is Expected as Federal Moratorium Expires."

Miami Herald: "Avalanche: Miami Renters Brace for Mass Evictions as Moratorium Ends."

The last time the CDC extended the eviction moratorium through July 31, 2021, it was intended to be the final extension.  So will the moratorium end?  Seems like it.  

What are your rights as a landlord?  As a tenant?

Along with the moratorium on evictions, there is also a moratorium on foreclosures that is also set to expire on July 31, 2021. Is your loan covered by the moratorium? If so, what does that mean for you? How can you save your home if COVID has prevented you from working and making mortgage payments?

We discuss all of these, and related questions in today's episode of the Crushing Debt Podcast.  Learn how you can protect yourself, your family and your investment.

Please also visit our sponsor, or refer a FL or TX Attorney or Title Company to Attorneys First Insurance by emailing an introduction to or visiting

Finally, learn how to stay debt free with my latest book, Become Debt Free In Less Than One Hour at

Jul 22, 2021

How did you get started in business?

Do you enjoy what you do?  What do you enjoy most?

How do you support your local small business community?

Today's guest on the Crushing Debt Podcast is Realtor Donnie Hathaway of Berkshire Hathaway. Donnie is a Florida native, born an raised in Pinellas County, Florida, who began his real estate career in 2016.

While Donnie and I do discuss the local real estate market, Donnie supports the local businesses in the community with his podcast, Palm Harbor Local, where he interviews local business owners about what they do and why they do it.  You can find his podcast wherever you listen to podcasts, including Apple, Spotify, etc.  You can also find his show at

You can also connect with Donnie on Instagram - @PalmHarborLocal or @Donnie.Hathaway.

Also, please support our sponsor, Sam Cohen of Attorneys First Insurance, by referring him an attorney or title company you know that is in need of a malpractice quote.  You can reach Sam at or

Lastly, free copies of my second book, Become Debt Free in Less Than One Hour are available at

Jul 15, 2021

Do you know how to invest to pay down student debt while planning for the future?

What is the likelihood of federal payments resuming in October 2021? What do you need to know and how can you prepare for either outcome?

How can you figure out your best path forward? To determine if you should refinance or if you should work toward forgiveness programs such as a PSLF (Public Student Loan Forgiveness)?

In this week's episode of The Crushing Debt Podcast, we interview Rob Bertman of Student Loan Planner.  You can find them at, you can listen to their podcast (The Student Loan Planner) at, as well as find them on Facebook and YouTube.

Rob and I talk about the Student Loan System, how to prepare your personal finances and prioritize investments, the CARES Act, Moratoriums, Congressional Action and some breaking news about FedLoan.

Please remember to support our sponsor Sam Cohen by referring an attorney or title company you know to or

For more information about becoming debt free, please order a free copy of my book Become Debt Free In Less Than One Hour at

Jul 8, 2021

What should the tenant do when the landlord dies during the term of the lease?  What if the lease is month-to-month and there is no term?  Can the landlord's heirs evict the tenant to sell the house and cash in on their inheritance?

You can find the related blog post here: My Landlord Died, Is My Lease Still Valid? | Florida Landlord Tenant Law (

We have a few listener-related landlord/tenant questions on this week's episode of the Crushing Debt Podcast.  Thank you for sending these to us and keep them coming!

We also discuss the CDC Eviction Moratorium - when does it expire / will it ever expire?  You can hear more about the moratorium(s) in Episodes 261, 255 and 239.

Did you know about the Protecting Tenants At Foreclosure Act? What happens if your landlord is foreclosed mid-term? Whether you're allowed to stay through the end of the lease term depends on who buys the home.

There was a Federal version of the Act which has been mirrored under Florida Law (and become effective upon the expiration of the Federal Act).  You can find Florida's version of the Act here: Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine (

We also give a brief Hurricane Elsa update (spoiler: we're fine).

If you want to support the show, a great way to do that is to introduce an attorney or title company you know to our sponsor Sam Cohen at Attorneys First Insurance.  You can make the introduction at or

Another great way to support the show is to order my second book (it's a free download) at 

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