Student loan debt is becoming unduly burdensome. Student loan debt is quickly becoming the biggest area of debt for borrowers who are having trouble making their monthly obligations.
Christie and her firm can help people eliminate or negotiate student loan debt that was taken out by a parent or co-borrower for the student, or for schools that have closed. In addition, outside of bankruptcy court, there are other options to help students eliminate, reduce or negotiate their student loans. Of course, if the borrower can prove "undue hardship" those cases may be dischargeable in bankruptcy court, but that is a high standard and rare.
As you will hear there are many other avenues available to help people negotiate or eliminate their student loan debts, under various federal programs.
We appreciate Christie being on the podcast. We have referred her clients who have been very happy with her services.
Christie offers free consultations and phone consultations. To reach her, please call 813-258-2808 or, Check out her student loan survival package on her website!
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