What are the five money rules you should follow while you're still young, or "regret it later in life"?
We recently read an article written by Morgan Housel for CNBC. You can find the article here: https://cnb.cx/35yNVut
While the article has some great tips: (1) live below your means, (2) money disputes and relationship disputes, (3) avoid debt, (4) affordable services, and (5) career - let's just say that Mr. Housel's writing style is a bit ... direct.
The article has some great tips that we discuss, some tips that we don't necessarily agree with (we love libraries and community colleges), and some tips that are in-your-face funny.
We also discuss some of our "Money Rules" that were not mentioned in the article. What are some of your "Money Rules"?
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To contact George Curbelo, you can email him at GCFinancialCoach21@gmail.com.
To contact Shawn Yesner, you can email him at Shawn@Yesnerlaw.com or visit www.YesnerLaw.com.