What are your best ideas for networking an event?
Do you go to events looking to buy or sell?
Do you give your card to everyone there - throwing them out like they were ninja throwing stars?
Do you have a goal, or do you go to networking events just to socialize?
The Largest Networking Event in Tampa Bay is Friday, February 17, 2023 and Yesner Law is a sponsor. ActionCOACH Tampa Bay is the host company for the event and our friends there provided us with 10 tips (and 2 bonus tips) to network an event.
ActionCOACH is the expert in this area, but Shawn and George took their ten tips and talked about what we liked about them, or in some cases where we disagreed or would edit their tips to fit our networking personalities.
If you want a reduced-price ticket to the event for $47, and if you want to network with Shawn and George at the event, use this link: https://
What are the two bonus tips? You have to become a patron to listen to the "after-pod" show. You can check out our Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/crushingDebt
We have other shows around networking at an event too:
If you agreed or disagreed with our take on these networking tips, please let us know. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with your friends!
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To contact George Curbelo, you can email him at GCFinancialCoach21@gmail.com, or follow his Tiktok channel - https://www.tiktok.com/@curbelofinancialcoach
To contact Shawn Yesner, you can email him at Shawn@Yesnerlaw.com or visit www.YesnerLaw.com.