On this week's episode of The Crushing Debt Podcast, we're happy to have a returning guest, Brian Morris, the Profit Prophet.
We last spoke with Brian in Episode 57 and, since then, Brian has had a shift in his business model. Today, Brian works with companies to help them find the best service providers in 5 areas of concentration: Direct Costs, Qualification for Grants, Work Flow Processes, Risk Mitigation and Growth Potential. Brian will analyze, advise and connect. Best of all, Brian doesn't charge the customer! Either the customer likes working with the service provider Brian refers, or Brian will find a new service provider. Either the customer saves money, time or efficiency working with the service provider Brian refers, or Brian will find a new service provider.
Check out Brian's website for more information: http://www.dbrianmorris.com/the-process.html
or connect with Brian at brian@dbrianmorris.com.
Or for more questions, contact me at Shawn@YesnerLaw.com or www.YesnerLaw.com.