Episode 33 of the podcast features our friend Tanya Cielo of Sky Strategic Marketing, a full service marketing agency based in Tampa Florida. The Sky team specializes in helping business owners soar above their competition and claim their unfair share of business in the marketplace!
Tanya helped me with a presentation titled "Avoiding the Business Card Graveyard." In this episode, Tanya and I discuss tips and techniques for working a networking event and turning those business cards you collect into relationships, rather than letting them slip into a desk drawer forever.
To contact Tanya, email her at Tanya@SkyStrategicMarketing.com, or visit her website at http://skystrategicmarketing.com/
If you have questions or comments for me, visit our website at www.yesnerlaw.com or email me at Shawn@Yesnerlaw.com.
Did you know that Freddie Mac maintains an "Exclusionary List?" Real Estate professionals, including Mortgage Originators, Realtors, Title Companies, Attorneys, Surveyors, Appraisers, and others associated with a real estate transaction may find themselves on this list if they do something that could potentially cause harm to Freddie Mac or its investors. If someone is on the List, they are
The process is fairly one-sided. When Freddie Mac perceives someone should go on the list, they send a letter giving the party 30 days to respond. If they fail to respond, or Freddie Mac rejects their response, the person or entity finds themselves on the list. They can apply to come off the list two years after being on the list and then annually thereafter.
The challenge is that Freddie Mac will not explain how to come off the list, nor why a request to come off the list was approved or rejected.
Yesner Law has helped many real estate professionals come off the list and, in this episode, we describe our experiences (both successfully and unsuccessfully) with the Freddie Mac Exclusionary List.
If you have questions, please contact us at Shawn@YesnerLaw.com or www.yesnerlaw.com.
Recently, I posted a blog article titled "Your Attorney's Biggest Frustrations." That post flowed from an idea that I recorded, which became this episode. Why is it important to manage our clients' expectations? What can we do for clients, and what are we sometimes unable to do for clients?
Our goal is to eliminate our clients' financial bullies. It would be difficult to do that if we become another of those bullies! Therefore, clear communication and realistic client expectations are key. We've taken on work where we may have faced a legal or factual uphill battle because our client had clear goals and expectations. Conversely, we've declined work where we had a good chance at prevailing, because a "win" in court would have poorly translated to the "win" the client was seeking by hiring us.
What are some other thoughts you have about client expectations in managing the relationship between you and your lawyer? We would love to hear your comments.
You can also contact me at Shawn@YesnerLaw.com, or www.YesnerLaw.com.
In this week's episode, we interview Kerry Kott with Pure Elements Healing. The intent of the podcast is to provide information to help relieve people from their financial stresses and bullies. Pure Elements Healing helps to relieve every day stresses, and makes their clients feel safe and secure.
Pure Elements Healing offers a variety of stress relief services, including Acupunture, Facial Rejuvenation, Food Healing and Coaching, Essential Oils, Meditation, Yoga, Cupping (made famous at this year's Olympics), and Ear Seeds. Kerry can be reached at www.pureelementshealing.com.
If you have questions or feedback on the podcast, please leave a review or contact us at Shawn@YesnerLaw.com or www.yesnerlaw.com.
In this week's episode of the podcast, we talk about different questions a debtor may receive from the bankruptcy trustee.
We've covered hundreds, maybe thousands, of these types of creditor meetings over our career and we're pretty comfortable that we've heard almost every question the trustee could ask.While the episode does not contain everything the trustee will ask, it does hit the major points.
This podcast tracks a blog post we wrote on the same topic: http://www.yesnerlaw.com/blog/2016/08/what-will-the-bankruptcy-trustee-ask.shtml
We would enjoy reading any comments or questions you have on this or any episode of the Podcast. You can reach me directly at Shawn@YesnerLaw.com, or visit the website at www.yesnerlaw.com.